View Profile bamsebomsen

76 Movie Reviews

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It guy love..

Our guy love
That's all it is
Guy love
He's mine, I'm his
There's nothing gay about it in our eyes.
You ask me about this thing we share--
And he tenderly replies,
'It's guy love between two guys...'
*sniff* so beautiful.

Tomorrows-Nobody responds:

Good ol' Scrubs.


Song wasn't that good, and a consept built on a crappy song can't get better then it originally were from the start.

It still don't get all the hype about PS3 being crap (The same happened to PS2), don't get me wrong, I'm no fan boy, I'm a game lover, I got my N64, PS, PS2, Wii, PSP, Super Nintendo and Xbox.
Of course there is no games, 30-40 games are coming out around christmas-time, you know, the time when people buy more games than ever?

I agree that Sony screwed up when it comes to the games that can be played right now (I, for one, isn't going to buy a PS3 before someone gives me GTA4 to put in), look at Nintendo and Microsoft, thay did a great job releasing their machines, why the hell didn't sony do that?
Couldn't they wait 4 fucking months? Shees..

PostTimeskipSam responds:

I would agree with you on that Sony should have waiting before they got better games for the system and about the PS3 being crap I think it is just because it cost so damn much plus the song was made by a Xbox360 fanboy.


You should add submissions here at NG, they are more then welcome!

Big dudes

Haha, I liked it, maybe a bit short, but still funny, could you have added more funny face looks? That's something people seem to like now-a-days.

psyblackart responds:

Yeah. Thanks man, I hope you'll enjoy next work. Cheers...


This is your first flash? Seriously?
..I wuv you <3 :P
The sound was a bit bad, but exept that, it was pretty much funny and (like some other flashes aren't) watchable.


Now do that again while I shove this razor into my eyesocket.

That was great, please make more, it's one of the best submissions this month.


just gen-i-fuckin-us, finished reading the book several hours ago, and this really sheered me up, thanks!
The animation wasn't that good, but that was a part of the whole "DAIM DATT IZ FUNNEH, ROFLCOPTERBBQ-MAO!"

Funniest HP spoof/spoiler in a looong time.

Black Adder?

Damn, was it "Black Adder"?
From the season when he was in the first world war or some other kind of war?

AntonyC responds:

You win the internet :D
It was Blackadder goes forth.

Damn, that was fast.

Another episode allready? Not that I'm complaining, but dang!

Hehe, great episode, I really hope you will continue this serie for a long time, haven't laughed so hard in months, and it feels really great since I've been in bed for two weeks 'cause of an infection in my stomac.

Keep 'em comin!


Yey, Ninja WTF!
Really liked the flash, ever considered to make a flash about this "who-would-win" argument;
Viking vs. Pirate.
They are both brutal, sea and land worthy and smells bad!

I do and will do voice-acting on request, I also do bass on request.

Age 37, Male


University (working)

Tromso, Norway

Joined on 10/11/04

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