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Yes, finally more from Larsen

Ah, it's nothing like waching something new from one of my favourite flash-animators, it gives me the feeling you get when you drink Ale, get drunk and goes home to sleep... then to wake up, find out that you got no more painkilles left and that your girlfriend dumped you for some douch named Gustav... Ok, it's not like that, but the "getting-drunk-as-hell" part is a perfect match.

Really loved the remote, it's the best way I've seen so far.

I laughed so hard when one of the commentators said;
"Oh, looks like Argentina has died", haha, I'm still chuckling over it.

The "Salad Fingers" refrence was awesome, and I'm kinda glad that the scene ended before he went lower down the Donkey's back, I guess everyone was expecting something gross there.

As allways, huge fan and I'm looking forward to your next release.


Torje Willassen


Loved the intro, only introes with girl-on-girl are good enough.
I really liked all the posters, great extras.
"..analy rape me... NOOOOO"

It really reminds me of me and my friends when we try to be as perverted as we can.


Ever tried to do animation before? Instead of making a auto-slide cartoon, maybe you should try to make a animation.
Isn't really much to say.

really good!

Hope you are goin' to make more, hopefully as long as this one (around 3:40? hehe)

I was just wondering about one thing (sorry if i'm gettin' all political in yo face :3): Was the bomb being send FROM Iraq or send to Iraq?
*cause last time a checked, the USA killed hundreds of children and thousands of men with bombs, USA still hasn't found Weapons of Mass Destruction (though, if the government are looking for WMD's they know where to find them, they produce one every month/week, can't remember), and Iraq is in a Democracy (against their will)

Wow, that became way to long, shit.. anyway, back to the flash!

Liked it very much, Billy Talent rocks, 4/5 and 8/10

RhysMus responds:

HAHA yeah it was eing sent from iraq.... meh i dono whos killnig who but iraq and dooshbags so yeah hehe thanks for the review :D


Not me, I just had a epilepsy of idiopathic reasons!
Please, no more pokèmon!

..please.. My eyes! They're bleeding!

Carbonwater responds:

Put bandages on them then.

Another one ^^

Look at your first one yesterday, it was hot, loved the music in both of them (do you make them yourself like skater0?)

The intro was great (do more of those intro's), but i noticed that the figure vanshied two times, or is it supposed to be that way? (In a trick maybe?)

Could have been longer though, be still freakin' cool 4/5

MarcyVF responds:

Thank you very much for reviewing my movies!
I'm making the music myself... It's my twin brother who has maked "Skater0". But I invented them...
I'm making more... Sorry for the foult inn one off the trics, I will fix it as fast as I can...

Rtil (xtil?) and more

Ah, sweet awsomeness in the autumn, Rtil's (or is it xtil? err..) was ofc the best one, genious!

You really got me off guard, I actually thought that is was a serious doc. about Men's Wearhouse! Hehe...
The spin off's where kind of boring but fun to watch anyway :)

Can't wait for the next part!

Starberry responds:

GO!GO!7188 (go go nana ichi hachi hachi), also known as GO!GO! 7188 and simply Gogo, is a Japanese rock band with a strong surf influence. The band was formed in June of 1998 by Yumi Nakashima (nicknamed Yuu) and Akiko Hamada (nicknamed Akko), both alumnae of the same year at Shoyo High School in Kagoshima, Kyûshû. The band's drummer, Turkey, joined in 1999 and they debuted on Breast/milia, a division of Capitol Records (Toshiba-EMI) in 2000. The meaning of the band's name is known only to its members.

L for learner ;)

I wonder if you added little bit longer of the movie, would be see some violence? Hehe, freakin' hilarious, would love to watch more from you guys!

BloodBanx responds:

Haha maybe! The guy we did it on a while later saw us again and my mates motorcycle helmet got covered in sticky sawdust (unfortunatly they didn't film it).
Thanks for watching.

I liked the...

I liked the style it was done in, but it wasn't really original nor long, but if you could make it longer or/and make the graphics a little better then it would be great!

The music was good too by the way!

TommyVF responds:

Ye, thanks, NB: I made the music myself!

I do and will do voice-acting on request, I also do bass on request.

Age 37, Male


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Tromso, Norway

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