View Profile bamsebomsen

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This is det best flash I have seen in months, seriously, I laughed my tupè off (wich is wierd since I'm 18years old) FUCKING GENIOUS!!! God i love you! You saved me from the dark pits of flash hell and send me straight to heaven! 9/10 5/5 and a personal fav. on this flash and his master! AVE AVE!!

How can anyone think that this is a bad flash? I freakin' loved it, the best newgrounds have had on it's frontpage on months!!


I allmost when Postal while watching this flash! Pure genious! 5/5

You vs. Me

I take things like this alittle bit to personal, science is my religion, i study it, its my job and will be most of my life what i see as the truth. But enough about me, let's talk about you.

I usually read the first comments 'couse that's when the author responds.
And i couldn't notice this feedback from you:
"who says I'm being religious :P I just love making Godly cartoons..."
..Ok, so you are not a christian? ..well, why is this written on your web-page:
"I am a Christian, attending the Liverpool Christian Life Centre."

Are you trying to hide it 'couse this is a "Religion vs. Science" theme? You shouldn't hide it. I don't hide my feelings regarding religion.

I really thought that the punchline was a bad one, didn't even smile, but the anime was great! Keep up the great work!
May Jesus guide you my christian friend! :)

Godlimations responds:

woah slow down :)
that's great science is your religion... people don't see science as religion at all, because by definition, religion is a system of worship to a supreme being... But you can still call it religion in your own way I suppose... it's not illegal :P

Your second quote about me not being religious, and yet I am a Christian, I like that issue you have raised, I will kindly explain.

I see how you view it... I am self contradicting, it's not however I see it, and please be open minded, not biased to self p.o.v. Christianity itself is not a religion, but a relationship with Jesus Christ. You can define it as religion if you wish, because we do fit in that description. But I am not a Christian for the sake of being Religious... not at all. I do what I do because I love God, I animate because I delight myself in the Lord, where is the religiousness in that? Why are my actions that I do what I desire got to do with anyone around me? or any religion? You call me what you want to call me, but it doesn't exclude what I believe in, because to simply believe in something doesn't automatically make you religious now does it :)

Ahhhhhh Religion vs Science? I believe it's a really good topic to discuss, but it's not the message I wanted to portray. When this cartoon was submitted, I was expecting people to raise the issue on Science vs Religion, because one person will always get offended... wow new revelation. But beyond that is an even greater message, why do I do this? Why does Mr Patrick Majewski bother to waste his talents and effort? All I am doing is showing how funny God can be (We were made under His image), and that the people that define God as a "Religious" supreme being, are obsurds, I received an e-mail claiming that I have blasphemed His name? What ever for? Because he is funny? good heavens no. The scientists role is a simple depiction of mankinds fault in life... it's nothing personal to me, as I too admit I make silly mistakes. Who cares about that though...

At the end of the day, I still encourage science. It does good for humanity in general cases :) No doubt. thanks for the review, hope it clears some stuff up and if you don't understand my Christian faith... read the Bible lol :D


Thanks for the Dream Theater song but...

This was a big yawn, I only "watched" this flash only to hear Dream Theater.

As usually when there's a collab. nothing, and i mean nothing happens! Just alot of fan-art from bomberman, Dragonballs, Hellsing (my fav.) and others like it.

So yeah, it's not your fault, I just really don't like collabs if it isn't original, have a story and isn't just alot of random stuff happening.


Make another saga! I watched them all (at work by the way) and they totally kick Chuck Norris ASS! ..pretty please?

Can't find words...

This must be the best flash ever made, the music (that the flash was based on) was great, the storyline was great, everything was so god damn perfect that i could die now as a contented man.

Hope your production will go fine with your next project, you awsome man :3 <3


I'm not going to say that you rule only becouse you made Mohammed apear in the end as something hiddious, but i'm not going to say that you don't have the rights to do it, 'couse you have. But please try understand why they got pissed, why alot of people got killed 'couse of some stupid cartoons, so why push it further?

Would have given a 7/10 but it jumps down to 4/10 and a 2/5


First i thought that this was a regular flash about HP, but then again, I'm stupid.

I really didn't see that ending coming, was holarious!!
Going to check out more of your flashes from now on :3

Loved the way your caracters showed emotions, specially Harry right before he went anal! Great graphics!


you'll get a 5/5 from me, that was holarious! (I'm sitting infront of my laptop trying to get the smoke out of my mouth because a laughed to much when i was watching the flash)
seriously man! you owe me a "Prince"!
love your work (though, my humor isn't the most grown-up sort you can find) and keep on makin' them baby :3

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